Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Parent's Touch

This morning we sat in on the doctors' rounds for Declan. His "round" consisted of various doctors and the NICU nurse. They discussed his doses of IV fluid, prostaglandin, etc. Everything was kept pretty consistent. The doctors are keeping a close eye on not only his oxygen sat levels, but blood gases and lactate levels. Similar to a lactic acid build up in your muscles when your body requires lots of oxygen from exercising, a high level of lactic acid for Declan means he is not getting enough oxygen in his tissues from the blood he's receiving from his heart. Luckily he is currently in the acceptable range.  Sedation would come if he starts exceeding the range. We know he will have to be sedated at some point before the Norwood is performed, we are just trying to prolong it as long as possible. (We think the first surgery will be Wednesday, if all continues on schedule.) Overall they are pleased with Declan's development, he's been staying calm and stable. They keep the top lowered over his little incubator to keep his environment as calm and stable as possible - looks very cozy and warm. 

After the meeting, with the doctors Tammy and I sat in our usual positions to watch Declan through the incubator windows.  The nurse asked if we would like to hold Declan today. We were thrilled. She said because he has been so stable with his numbers we could hold him for a bit. Tammy held Declan first, than I took my turn.
The feeling of holding him in our arms again was amazing! We loved getting to see him up close and talking to him.  We looked at him with amazement as he nestled in our arms. Although Declan pretty much just slept, just holding him in our arms helps to heal our heavy hearts. It's been very difficult not having access to hold him at will. This experience has helped us appreciate every interaction we have with him and not take anything for granted  I couldn't believe how thrilled I was yesterday to change my first "tar diaper"! We are doing our best to soak in every moment we have with him!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this glimpse of your journey with precious Declan. Love and prayers for all of you.
