Friday, November 28, 2014

A Growing Fanclub

The day began quite early, 2:30 am to be exact. Declan did his thing in his diaper and wanted to make sure I knew it.  As strange as it sounds, I found some comfort in having to get out of my "bed" and groggily change his diaper and attempt to feed him.  I felt like one of the millions of other newborn parents out there - much closer to an average newborn parent.  Of course the morning wouldn't be complete without a 6:00 am trip to the MRI machine.
In order to get more information about the seizures Declan was having, the doctors ordered an MRI. However, there was great discussion as to when. The surgeons wanted to keep his fragile body away from the MRI machine as long as possible, and the other teams of doctors wanted it right away. Well, after many long and heated discussions, they agreed to this morning (as long as he wouldn't need to be sedated.) Given the surgeons objections, Tammy and I were extremely apprehensive and nervous. As I sat in the waiting room for 60 plus minutes, worst-case scenarios kept pouring through my head. But thankfully, Declan kept calm during the process; and although some of the pictures were slightly blurry, he was not sedated at all.
Later this morning Declan received more glowing reviews from the occupational therapist. He took 23 cc's by bottle and gave two squeaky burps. The nurses were all smiles and gave him praises - it was quite the performance.  We've really been trying to boost his bottle feedings. That will be the biggest hurdle that stops us from taking him home. We would love to get him comfortable enough so we don't have to take him home with a feeding tube. Additionally, tonight he took 37 cc's! Amazing what we get excited about these days.
Then, this afternoon, we got the results from the MRI. Not exactly what we were hoping for. The images show that various small portions of his inner brain show signs of minor injury. His seizures were probably caused by a blood clot that broke up and dispersed into different parts of his brain. At this point we don't know what the extent of his delay or decreased ability resulting from the damage will be. But we can hope for the best case scenario of recovery because he is so young.
Also, I heard some videos I've included can't be seen on mobile devices or Ipads so trying to repost this to see if it works:

1 comment:

  1. Mike and I loved the video. Very professional! Declan is a champ!
